Cazenovia CSD Seeks Community Input on Budget for 2024-25 School Year
School Budget 2024-2025 Community Conversation on March 20th:NEW 2024-25 Budget Potential Reductions (A)
NEW 2024-25 Budget Challenges and Options (B)
NEW 2024-25 Budget Slides
NEW Stakeholder Budget Survey
NEW Cazenovia CSD Student Enrollment Projections
The Cazenovia Board of Education met on Wednesday, March 6, for a budget discussion on ways to close the district’s $1.85 million gap. Board members grappled with the reality of the governor’s budget proposal to cut significant state aid to the district.
In an effort to identify areas where costs could be reduced without a negative impact on the high-quality academic experiences Cazenovia is known for, administration instituted a spending freeze in February on any non-essential district expenses.
“We’re committed to sustaining our excellence and preserving our identity,” said Superintendent Christopher DiFulvio. “We’re examining every line of the proposed budget to be fiscally responsible while prioritizing core academics and preserving special education services and support.”
The district explored three tiers of spending reductions, with each tier indicating minimal, moderate, and significant impacts on student achievement. Board members acknowledged the severe shortcomings of the governor’s proposal and discussed possible advocacy measures to inform their local representatives of the severity of the district’s fiscal outlook.
As a next step, the district is inviting its community members, including students and parents, faculty and staff, and those who may not be directly affiliated with the school, to a community conversation to be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20, in the high school’s Buckley Gym. An RSVP is encouraged, and walk-ins are welcome. RSVP by email or call (315) 655-1317.
“The evening will begin with some options the district is presenting to the board of education to balance the budget, and then we’ll ask attendees to weigh in on what matters most when it comes to the educational experience at Caz,” added DiFulvio.
Various options that will be presented could include reducing staff and programming, using budget reserves, and/or piercing the allowable tax levy limit.
“The district has already looked for ways to reduce spending and be creative in preserving its extracurricular opportunities for students, such as by combining sports with neighboring districts when it made sense,” DiFulvio said. “Decisions like that have helped Cazenovia avoid cutting benefits to its students’ experiences; however, the governor’s budget proposal makes it harder to continue to be creative.”
Board members expressed that they would like community input on the options before them so they are making decisions that best align with the community’s values and expectations. The district plans to make a survey available after the March 20 event for those who are unable to attend but are interested in sharing their thoughts on the options.
“There are no easy choices, and it’s imperative we hear from the community how they feel about the options before us,” said Board President JoAnne Race. “While we didn’t create this problem, we recognize that it’s our responsibility to [approach the budget] in a way that aligns with the district’s mission, vision and goals.”