Free & Reduced Meals Program
Public Notice of Free & Reduced Meals Program
In accordance with the National School Lunch Act, as a participating school in the National Lunch Program, Cazenovia CSD will continue to provide free or reduced price meals for students from qualifying families. Information about free & reduced meals as well as applications are available on the District’s website. Applications can also be provided upon request.
Application forms for free/reduced price meals are available in all the school offices, the cafeteria and here on this page (see below).
Families must complete an application each year for free/reduced price meals even if they have participated during the previous school year. Forms should be returned to the school (office, cafeteria, teacher or Business Office) as soon as possible. Forms will be made available to students new to the district at the time of registration.
New for 2023 - Online Applications:
Starting 2/13/23, free and reduced meals applications can be completed online in both English and Spanish languages