Smart Schools Investment Plan
January 2023
BOE Approval of Final Smart Schools Investment Plan - Phase 3
To date we have committed $677,009 of the $813,516 allotted to our district through the Smart Schools Bond Act. Phase 1 (2016) consisted of technology infrastructure and building security upgrades totaling $316,650. Phase 2 (2017) involved the purchase of new computers, chromebooks and projectors to support our students and staff, totaling $360,359.
A total of $136,507 remains for Phase 3.
Phase 3 purchasing under this grant will support the needs identified by the District related to installing high-speed broadband or enhancing wireless connectivity. Phase 3 will also support learning technology equipment. This equipment includes but is not limited to: interactive whiteboards, chromebooks, laptops, desktops, projectors and other technology items that enhance teaching and learning.
As required by the state, the BOE approved Preliminary Smart Schools Investment Plan was posted to our website for a period of 30 days (November - December 2022) with contact information available for feedback.
A public hearing took place at the January 23, 2023 BOE meeting, enabling stakeholders to respond to the preliminary plan.
This final Smart Schools Investment Plan - Phase 3 (Revised) is submitted for Board approval.
Any comments or suggestions are welcome and should be directed to Jennifer Raux, Director of Instructional Technology,
November 2022
BOE Approval of Preliminary Smart Schools Investment Plan - Phase 3 Revised
Preliminary Smart Schools Investment Plan - Phase 3 (Revised)
To date we have committed $677,009 of the $813,516 allotted to our district through the Smart Schools Bond Act. Phase 1 (2016) consisted of technology infrastructure and building security upgrades totaling $316,650. Phase 2 (2017) involved the purchase of new computers, chromebooks and projectors to support our students and staff, totaling $360,359.
A total of $136,507 remains for Phase 3.
Phase 3 purchasing under this grant will support the needs identified by the District related to installing high-speed broadband or enhancing wireless connectivity. Phase 3 will also support learning technology equipment. This equipment includes but is not limited to: interactive whiteboards, chromebooks, laptops, desktops, projectors and other technology items that enhance teaching and learning.
Upon acceptance by the Board of Education, the Smart Schools Bond Act requires the District to publish the plan making it available to the community for a 30 day period. Community comments and suggestions are welcome and should be directed to Jennifer Raux, Director of Instructional Technology. At the close of the comment period, after review of any correspondence, the plan will be updated and re-submitted to the Board for final approval.
Please forward written comments or suggestions to:
Jennifer Raux
Director of Instructional Technology
Cazenovia Central School District
31 Emory Ave.
Cazenovia, NY 13035